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Nov 6, 2012

Add and Remove Site Collection Administrators 

This blog describes how to add and remove Site Collection Administrators using SharePoint 2010 Management Shell and Central Administration.

Add Site Collection Administrator using SharePoint 2010 Management Shell.

First open the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell. make sure that you run the program as administrator.

Now insert the below mentioned command to replace the Secondary Site Collection Administrator. Insert the Site Collection's URL and the name of the user whom you want to add by using the format

Add Site Collection Administrator using Central Administration

Before you add a Site Collection Administrator make sure that you are a member of the farm administrators group on the computer that is running the SharePoint Central Administration web site.

First you should open the SharePoint 2010 Central Administration. Go to the start menu , then go to All Programs and select  SharePoint 2010 Central Administration under Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products. Make sure to run the program as administrator.

Then go to Application Management and select Change site collection administrators under the Site Collections category.

Then select the Site Collection and add a name for the secondary site collection administrator by using the format <Domain>\<Username>. Then click OK.

Remove Site Collection Administrator using Central Administration

Before you add a Site Collection Administrator make sure that you are a member of the farm administrators group on the computer that is running the SharePoint Central Administration web site.

First you should open the SharePoint 2010 Central Administration. Go to the start menu , then go to All Programs and select  SharePoint 2010 Central Administration under Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products. Make sure to run the program as administrator.

Then go to Application Management and select Change site collection administrators under the Site Collections category.

Then select the Site Collection which you want to remove the administrator. In order to change the Site collection just click on the Change Site Collection.

Every site collection should have a Primary Site Collection Administrator, so if you want to change it click on the current username and press Delete and then add another administrator by using the format 
<Domain>\<Username>. If you want to remove the Secondary Site Collection Administrator just click on the name and press Delete. Then click OK.

Oct 3, 2012

Cloud Computing - Network Security Practices

This blog post gives a basic idea about the best practices of Network security for Cloud Computing.

Good security practices cover every aspect of system design, implementation and deployment. Applications should secure by design. That is interfaces should only contain the appropriate data to authorized users. When concerning the Implementation developers should avoid using coding which could result in vulnerability to techniques such as buffer overflow or SQL injection. When deployed, operating systems should be hardened and every layer of software should kept up to date with the most recent security patches.

When concerning about Cloud Computing all applications are deployed in a shared network environment and there are security techniques such as VLANs and port filtering. These techniques help to protect various layers of application deployment architecture.

There are some approaches available to Network Security. Using a security domain is one of them. Security domains can be use to group virtual machines together and then can control access to the domain through the cloud provider’s port filtering capabilities. For an example create a security domain for front-end Web Servers and open only the HTTP and HTTPS ports to the outside world and then filter traffic from the Web server security domain to the one containing back-end data base.  

Another approach is control the traffic using the cloud provider’s port-based filtering or using more stateful packet filtering by inserting content switches or firewall appliances. The concept of Immutable Service Containers (ISCs) can be used to have more fine-grained control over traffic. This allows multiple layers of software to be deployed in a single virtual machine and there is a network which is internal to the virtual machine. This technology uses Solaris Zones to support multiple secure virtual environments on a shared OS platform and this is available in both the Solaris and Open Solaris Operating Systems.

Oct 1, 2012

Wireless Security - Be Safe...

This post is about how to be safe when dealing with wireless technologies.

If you are on an open wireless network, anyone with the right equipment can read what you are sending to the Wireless Access Point (WAP). Some websites allow encrypted connections which protect your data, but this is not enough when you are sending sensitive information by email or working with important documents. So you should concern about wireless security seriously and take actions to connect through Wi-Fi safely.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) encrypts all the data that passes to and from your computer. Let’s assume that a hacker is trying to capture the data and in that case even they will not be able to read the data if you have a VPN. If someone has a 3G access point, you can always trust the connection through the cellular network.

You should always keep in mind that you need to protect your physical computer from theft and malicious intents. Remember to use a good physical security. Encrypt your important data and documents, by doing so you can save valuables against others who tries to access even if they manage to crack your login password. Another method is installing a PC Tracker to track down your missing hardware in the event that it’s stolen.

SharePoint 2010 Lists - Add, Edit, Delete Items using c#

This post describes how to add items, edit items and delete items from a SharePoint list.

Adding an Item

According to my example there should be a List called "Tasks" which was created using the Tasks template.
If not you can create a List.

After that you have to open a SharePoint Console Application and insert the below code inside the main method.
Make sure that you have added the correct Site Name.

 using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://sp-sohani:8118/sites/Gouri_Sohani/Team_GSSD/"))
                using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
                    SPList list = web.Lists["Tasks"];
                    SPListItem item = list.Items.Add();
                    item["Title"] = "New Task";
                    item["Description"] = "Description of Task";

Then run the program and you will see a new item called 'New Task" has added to the 'Tasks' List

Editing an Item

In this example I have edited the first Task of the Tasks List. (If you want to edit the second item
eg: list.Items[1];)

I have changed the Title and the Description of the first item.

using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://sp-sohani:8118/sites/Gouri_Sohani/Team_GSSD/"))
                using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
                    SPList list = web.Lists["Tasks"];
                    SPListItem item = list.Items[0];
                    item["Title"] = "Edited Task";
                    item["Description"] = "Description of Task (edited)";

Now you can see the Title of the task has changed to "Edited Task".

Deleting an Item

In this example I have deleted the first Item of the 'Tasks' List.

      using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://sp-sohani:8118/sites/Gouri_Sohani/Team_GSSD/"))
                using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
                    SPList list = web.Lists["Tasks"];
                    SPListItem item = list.Items[0];

After you run the program you will see that the first item has deleted from the 'Tasks' List.

Sep 19, 2012

Five ways to assess your wireless network security

Network security requires ongoing attention. To keep your WLAN secure, it is important to be aware of new wireless vulnerabilities. You can identify and close any security holes before a hacker slips through them by performing a vulnerability assessment on your wireless network.

Discover wireless devices on your network including wireless routers and wireless access points (WAPs) as well as laptops and other mobile devices, is very important. The scanner will look for active traffic on wireless network. Then document all the data you collect from the scanner about the wireless device’s locations and owners.

Rouge devices are wireless devices such as an access point which should not be on your network. Take your list of devices which you documented via scanner and compare your known inventory of devices. Any equipment which you didn't recognize should be blocked from network access immediately.  

Make sure that WAPs on your network are just as secure as your routers and any other device that can be accessed from the Internet. Make sure to change the password to a hard to crack one. Check the WAP is configured to use the most secure options such as strongest available authentication setting and an encrypted admin interface, filters to block unauthorized protocols and send secure alerts.

Updating your device inventory is very important at this point. Update the device inventory to include every Smartphone, Tablet, Laptop, Desktop, VoIP phone and any other wireless device that is approved to access your network. You should find out if these devices are running the most current OSs and associated security patches, are running current antivirus software and configured according to your security policies.

Finally you should plug the holes which your vulnerability scanner reveals. Completing the above steps is not enough you should test your fixes and make sure that they closed the security holes. 

Sep 16, 2012

Difference between SharePoint and AD groups

There are two types of groups which you can find in SharePoint. Those are Domain groups and SharePoint groups. This blog post describes the differences between those two groups briefly.

Domain Groups
  • These groups are created and maintained by the IT department.
  • Domain groups can be used across different SharePoint sites and Site Collections.
  • Organizations may already have good AD group structures that map well to SharePoint implementations.
  • We can add another AD Group as a member to an existing AD group – can be nested.
  • There are no features for users to submit a request to join a group.

SharePoint Groups
  • The creation of groups can be done by business users.
  • When a group is being created, we can define who "owns" the group.
  • Allow users to submit a request to join a group.
  • Can determine who has permissions to see the users within groups.
  • Groups which have created within a particular Site Collection cannot be used in other site collections
  • We cannot add a SharePoint Group as a member of another SharePoint group -no nesting
  • SharePoint Groups cannot be used in other systems (e.g. network Shares)
  • SharePoint Groups are separate from Active Directory 

Sep 9, 2012

Ways to secure your data when using public Wi-Fi.

Most public W-Fi hotspots have no passwords or encryptions on the service. This means the data you are searching is wide open. This post describes how you can prepare yourself for such situations where network is not secure.

Always you should keep in mind that there is no public Wi-Fi security. Therefore, is better if you do not do anything related to your work so that your valuable data will not float out. Both Mac OSX and Windows have built-in firewall tools for both home and public Wi-Fi security. For an example in Windows you can enable Windows Firewall and turn off incoming connections. Also you can turn off the file sharing.

Storing passwords locally on your machine is generally a bad idea. If your passwords are on a keychain, your keychain can be cracked. There are more secure ways to store your passwords. LastPass is a free online password manager which makes your web browsing easier and more secure. LastPass program will save your passwords for you in a secure way. It puts the password on a cloud so that it can’t be found on your machine. This is really better. Try this out.

You should always know what you should and what you shouldn’t be doing on this network. Keep your browsing simple.  Now you are armed with this knowledge and just take precautions when using public Wi-Fi.

Sep 4, 2012

Advantages & Disadvantages

This post presents some of the possible advantages and disadvantages of Cloud Computing. Even though Cloud Computing has become a great innovation in the field of computing still there are few reasons of not adopting to Cloud Computing.


  •  Flexibility
Cloud computing has a high level of flexibility since users can choose to use it whenever they want to. There is no limitation of the place and medium. Users can access to their applications and data from anywhere in the world.

  • Low Cost
By using Cloud Computing in companies for their business purposes, they can reduce cost for hardware and software.  Companies can use the resources of hosting company to store their applications.  Users also can save money on software updates, management cots and data storage costs.

  • Less time consuming
If we use the traditional method we have to buy and configure hardware and software and it consumes lot of time. By using Cloud Computing we can get rid of that.

  • Easier management of data
All data are organized and located on a centralized location therefore it makes easier to manage data.

  • Device Diversity
Users can access their application through various different electronic devices such as iPad, Smartphone, Laptop or desktop computers.  

  • Increase storage capacity
The storage capacity is very high compared to a personal computer. This saves users from upgrading the computer memory which helps to reduce the cost.

  • Easy to understand
The application on the cloud like G mail, Google docs etc are likely to be understood by users therefore it saves time of making arrangements for training as well.

  • Automatic updating
Once the server gets updated the users can get the updates without doing anything. It saves companies time and effort.


  •  Dependency
Users have to depend on the provider since users don’t have their data stored with them.

  • Risk
In Cloud Computing we are getting services from remote servers. If something goes wrong in the servers nothing can be recovered. Therefore there is always an insecurity regarding stored documents.

  •  Requires a constant internet connection
Cloud Computing is completely relying on the network connection therefore users have to depend on the reliability of the internet connection.

  • Security
In Cloud Computing Security is the biggest concern. Data are stored in a virtual server therefore it makes an uncomfortable feeling in users.

  • Migration issue
If a user wants to switch from provider to another then it is not easy to transfer huge data from one provider to another.

Sep 2, 2012

Export a SharePoint User List to an Excel Sheet

In this post I'm going to explain an easy way to view a list of SharePoint Users in an Excel sheet.

First go to Site Actions and select Site Settings. Then select People and groups under the Users and Permissions category

Then go to Settings and then select List Settings.

Then you will get the List Settings page. Go to the bottom of that page and select List View under the Views category

Then you will get the Edit View of the List Settings. Now copy that page URL and copy paste it on a notepad.

Example URL :


Now get the Site Name, List ID and the View ID from that URL

Site Name : camintdev01.domainx.local
List ID      : %7BA1EA3A11%2D7F67%2D40BE%2D890B%2D7DB85EDDA7FF%7D
View ID    : %7B8914C42E%2D5E0D%2D41D2%2D80C7%2D75E302D91FEE%7D

Then copy the below URL and add the Site Name, List ID and View ID to the correct places.


Example URL:


Navigate to the above URL and then download and save the owssvr.jqy file. Finally open it in Excel. Now you  can view the SharePoint Users list.

Sep 1, 2012

Business benefits of Cloud Architectures 

This blog post is about some of the clear business benefits of building applications using Cloud Architecture.

If someone wants to build a large scale system it may cost a lot. He needs to invest for hardware such as machines, routers, backup power supplies etc and also for hardware management like power management and cooling. By moving to cloud we can have almost zero upfront infrastructure investment with no fixed cost or startup cost.

If you choose to develop your applications in the cloud you can have just in time infrastructure. If not, even though your business become famous your infrastructure may not scale and you become a victim of your own success. On the other hand if you invested heavily and if you couldn’t become famous then also you will fail. If you are deploying applications in the cloud you should not worry about pre-procuring of large scale systems. The solution has a low risk because you scale as you grow.

Normally Administrators worry about hardware procuring when they run out of capacity and about better utilization of infrastructure when they have excess capacity. With Cloud Architectures they can manage resources more efficiently by having the applications request only when they need.

Usage based costing is another advantage of using Cloud Architecture. If a user has a desktop application or a traditional client-server application runs on customer’s own infrastructure the cost is very high but when shifting to the Cloud Architecture customer uses a third party infrastructure and gets billed only for what was used.

Parallelization is one the great ways to speed up processing. For an example if one compute-intensive job that can run in parallel takes 200 hours to process on one machine but with Cloud Architecture it would be possible to do it in less than one hour. This can reduce the total processing time in a cost effective manner.   

Aug 8, 2012

PowerShell - Foreach Syntax

In PowerShell there are two ways to use the foreach looping technique. This post briefly describes those two ways. 

 foreach ($object in $collection) {something to do with the $object}

This is a very simple technique. A good example would be get a set of directories into a variable and then put that variable into a foreach loop to control the output.

$collection | foreach {do something $_}

By using this technique we can pipeline the collection to the foreach command can use the scriptblock with the pipelined ($_). The previous example can be done using this technique in one line. 

I hope this small description provides an idea about the differences between the two techniques. 

Aug 3, 2012

The Dropbox Controversy 

Dropbox can be defined as one of the most popular cloud services in the market. This post is about the Drpbox Controversy. 

Google, as we all know, provides many free cloud services and this has become Google’s strongest selling point and at the same time it has become its weakest feature as well. Many opponents think that no company will give anything free, unless they get something in return. Google answered this question by saying they earn through advertisements and through tracking usage of their users. This allows users to keep their privacy and Google can earn money.

Dropbox is the biggest and most popular cloud service for data storage in the cloud. There are lots of confidential documents as well. Furthermore, the huge file-size limit of Dropbox allows users to send full videos, songs and other media files. Dropbox enables a large number of employees to share files easily. File sharing through Dropbox is not regulated. Anyone can open and view your files when you share them.

Dropbox is facing some security issues for it’s users. While Dropbox encrypted their files the Dropbox employees reserve the right to remove encryption. The question is what’s the point of having an encryption if someone gets the power to remove it? Dropbox answered to this question by saying that while employees reserve access for legal purposes, they prohibited from doing so except in rare circumstances.

What people can actually share? Are employees allowed to share company documents using a free public cloud? Are people allowed to share songs and movies through Dropbox?  These questions remain unanswered.........

It is important to remember that Dropbox isn’t our safe in the sky and Dropbox is just a way of storing files.

Security in Private and Public Clouds 

This post is about the security in Clouds. Mainly the post concerns about the Private and Public Clouds.
Many people believe that private clouds are more secure than public clouds. The reality is you have to concern about more than the kind of cloud you have, when it comes to cloud security. If people think that the public clouds have more security than private clouds then it is not true. People used to think like this is that the company offering the service will keep the cloud safe because so many people are using it. But there are still vulnerabilities out there that can be exploited. Most of these vulnerabilities open up because of the things done by the customers.
When considering cloud security and protecting your data we have to remember that there are many factors to be considered other than hackers. When it comes to the security of data, most people think about keeping other people out from data is the solution but they have to concern about protecting data from corruption or loss as well.
We should think that secure the cloud is a not only the responsibility of service provider but also there are things that we can do ourselves to increase the security of the cloud. Mistakes can be made at both the service provider’s level and at the level where your own employees are accessing the cloud, so it’s important to remember that there is no service that will be able to stop all intrusions. It’s true that the cloud is a powerful tool to keep everyone connected, but still we should remember to be careful about the security. 

Aug 2, 2012

Create Web Applications and Site Collections using SharePoint 2010 Management Shell

This blog post describes how to create Web Applications and Site Collections using SharePoint 2010 Management Shell . First you need to open the Management shell.

Go to the Start menu -> All Programs and select SharePoint 2010 Management Shell under Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products and run the program as administrator.

To create a new Web Application we use the command New-SPWebApplication. We have to give a Name for the Web Application, Name for an Application pool, name of the Application pool account, the URL and a Port number.

Example :

After you enter the above command you will see a confirmation command window as shown below.

If you want to get more information about the command parameters, you can use the Get- Help New- SPWebApplication command.

Now lets create a Site Collection. We use the command New-SPSite to create a new site.

Then we need to add the URL to access the site collection which we created and the Site collection administrator. After you entered those commands you will get a command window as shown below.

If you don't specify the Template parameter then you will get a widow to select it when you try to open the site collection which you created . I have selected the Team Site Template

If you want to add the Template by using the command when you create the Site Collection. Then first assign the template to a variable as shown below. 

Then insert the command to create a new SPSite.

If you want to get more information about the Templates, you can use the Get-SPWebTemplate

If you want to know about the command parameters for a site, you can use Get-Help New-SPSite command.

Now you can access to the site collection which you created using the URL.

Aug 1, 2012

Calculating Time Differences

This post is about calculating time difference using PowerShell. 

We can use 'New-Timespan' for calculating the difference between the current date and a specific date. New-Timespan automatically compares the inserted date to the current date and returns the timespan in number of different formats from which you can choose. 

For an example if we want to get the difference in days we can use (New-Timespan 12/24/2012).Days

Note that if you insert a date in the future you will the get the output as a negative value. To get rid of the negative effect we can use '-end' parameter after the New-Timespan.

(New-Timespan -end 12/24/2012).Days

Cloud Deployment Models

This post is about the four primary deployment models in Cloud Computing. The below mentioned models have been recommended by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Private Cloud
This cloud operates only for a particular organization. This can be managed by the organization or a third party. This has less cost efficiency compared to other deployment models. In terms of security this has a great value because the hosting is build and maintained for a specific client. In addition to the security reason, many organizations adopt this model where they require the data to be confirmed to regulatory standards which may require data to be managed for privacy. For an example healthcare and pharmaceutical industries can be listed. Amazon also provides the option of a virtual private cloud.
Public Cloud
This cloud is available to the general public or large industry groups. This owns by an organization which sells cloud services. Google is an example of a public cloud. The service can be provided by a vendor free of charge or on the basis of pay-per-user policy. This model is best suited for the businesses which use host SAAS applications, utilize interim infrastructure for developing and testing applications and for the organization who are managing applications which are consumed by many users. Basically this model helps to reduce expenditure and this lowers the operational IT costs as well.
Hybrid Cloud
This is a combination of two or more clouds. This model helps businesses to take the advantage of secured applications and data hosting on a private cloud while enjoying cost benefits. User can still have the cost effectiveness because they can keep shared data and applications on the public cloud. This model is also used to handle cloud bursting which refers to a situation where private cloud is not able to handle load spikes and requires an option to support the load then the cloud migrate the workload between public and private hosting. This doesn’t provide inconvenience to the users. Microsoft Azure and Force.com are two examples of this model.
Community Cloud
This infrastructure is shared by several organizations and supports a specific community that has shared concerns like mission, security, policy etc. This can be managed by the organizations or a third party. This helps to reduce the cost compared to private cloud since it shares by a larger group. Government departments which require data relating to the local population or information related to infrastructure such as hospitals, roads, electricity boards, etc can use a community cloud. 

Jul 30, 2012


This blog post is about some basics of Intercloud. Basically a private cloud is a private data center with servers set up in such a way that one’s company can efficiently operate using load balancing and scale to maintain computing needs. An InterCloud can be simply defined as a network of private clouds.

The Internet can be defined as a public cloud. Anyone can link up to the Internet at anytime. A private cloud may be the Internet on a small scale but the main difference is it is not available to anyone. It is available only to authorized people who have access to the private space. For an example if you have a large enterprise then you might set up private clouds for several departments or divisions and link them together. Then you will have an Intercloud.

The Intercloud concept is based on the key issue that each single cloud is not having sufficient physical resources. If a cloud oversupplied the computational and storage resources, it could not be able to satisfy further requests for service allocations by its clients. The Intercloud addresses such issues. Basically each cloud can use the computational and storage resources of other clouds by using the pay-for-use method.

Intercloud is similar in concept to Internet model. Intercloud is a an open multiple infrastructure provider where applications need not to be tightly coupled into any specific cloud. The idea of Intercloud is to provide open interfaces for vendors such that there is a facility for all interconnected clouds to have a common control of how applications should be deployed. There is a common protocol and exchange mechanism for each cloud. 

Jul 28, 2012

What is Cloud Computing?

In this blog post I’m presenting some basics about Cloud Computing. According to wiki Cloud Computing is “Internet Based computing, whereby shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand, like the electricity grid”. In simple terms Cloud Computing is the process of taking the services and tasks performed by the computers and bringing them to the web.
When considering the basic elements of Cloud Computing, it consists of
  • SAAS –Software as a Service
  • PAAS –Platform as a Service
  • IAAS – Infrastructure as a Service

The concept behind SAAS is renting software from a service provider rather than buying it by ourselves. This is the most popular type of cloud computing. The software is hosted on centralized network server which available over the internet. Google docs, Yahoo mail, CRM applications are instances of SAAS.
Some benefits of SAAS can be listed as below.
  • This saves money since we don’t need to buy servers or other software.
  •  SAAS applications are available from any computer or any device, anytime and anywhere.
  • User need not to worry about the installation or upgrades.
  • Flexibility and Scalability.

PAAS provides a development platform for developers. The end user writes own code and the PAAS provider uploads that code and presents it on the web. Basically PAAS provides services to develop, test, deploy, host and maintain applications and also it provides some support for the creation of applications as well. The PAAS provider manages upgrades and system maintenance.
There are four types of PAAS solutions namely social application platforms, raw compute platforms, web application platforms and business application platforms. Facebook is a type of social application platforms where third parties can write new applications that are made available to the end users. CRM solutions are examples for business application platforms. When consider raw compute platforms the best example is Amazon’s infrastructure where the developers can upload and execute their applications. Google provides APIs to developers to build web applications and they can be categorized as web application platforms.
Some benefits of PAAS can be listed as below
  • Reduce the complexity and cost.
  • Provides hosting capabilities and the facilities required to support the complete life cycle of building web applications.
  • Provides services such as web service integration, database integration, security, scalability, application versioning etc.

This is the delivery of computer infrastructure as a fully outsourced service. Google, IBM, Amazon.com are some of the companies which provide infrastructure services. Managing hosting and development environments are the basic services of IAAS.  The user can buy the infrastructure at any particular time according to the requirement instead of buying the infrastructure that might not be used for some time. Basically the user pays only for what they are using this is also known as “Pay as you go” model.   For a small business one of the most difficult things is to keep capital expenditure under control. By moving the infrastructure to the cloud, we can have the ability to scale as if we owned our own hardware and data center. IAAS is also referred as HAAS (Hardware as a Service)  
Some benefits of IAAS can be listed as below.
  • Dynamic scaling.
  • Usage based pricing.
  • Access to superior IT resources.
  • Reduce cost.
  • Maximum flexibility.

Basically SAAS offers a complete application as a service and PAAS offers the ability to develop an application where IAAS doesn’t care about the application at all. If we have already written the code or have the software package which we want to install and run in the cloud then we go for IAAS. When we have no software or want to build something from scratch to solve a problem where there are no packages or they are too expensive then we go for PAAS.  The three basic elements of cloud computing have a great effect on the IT operations.