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Nov 20, 2014

Writing a data service to execute stored procedure in WSO2 DSS

This blog post basically describes about the way to execute a stored procedure in WSO2 DSS. You can refer below steps

1. Create a sample database


2. Create a table using below command

CREATE TABLE company(name VARCHAR(10), id VARCHAR(10), price DOUBLE, location VARCHAR(10));

3. Create the stored procedure as follows

CREATE PROCEDURE InsertData(compName VARCHAR(10), compId VARCHAR(10), compPrice DOUBLE, compLocation VARCHAR(10)) INSERT INTO company VALUES(compName,compId,compPrice,compLocation) ;

Now you can configure the DSS as follows

1. Download mysql connector and copy it to <DSS_HOME>/repository/components/lib

2. Create a data service as follows 

<data enableBatchRequests="true" name="SampleDataService">
  <description>Sample Data Service</description>
  <config id="Demo">
     <property name="driverClassName">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
     <property name="url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ESB_SAMPLE</property>
     <property name="username">root</property>
     <property name="password">root</property>
  <query id="insertData" useConfig="Demo">
     <sql>Call ESB_SAMPLE.InsertData(?,?,?,?)</sql>
        <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.query_timeout">100</property>
        <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.force_jdbc_batch_requests">true</property>
     <param name="name" ordinal="1" sqlType="STRING"/>
     <param name="id" ordinal="2" sqlType="STRING"/>
     <param name="price" ordinal="3" sqlType="DOUBLE"/>
     <param name="location" ordinal="4" sqlType="STRING"/>
  <operation name="insertData" returnRequestStatus="false">
     <call-query href="insertData">
   <with-param name="name" query-param="name"/>
        <with-param name="id" query-param="id"/>
        <with-param name="price" query-param="price"/>
        <with-param name="location" query-param="location"/>        

3. Include the data service in <DSS_HOME>/repository/deployment/dataservices.
4. Use TryIt tool to access the data service

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